How to Lose Weight in 10 Pound Daily? Weekly Plan

The Weight loss diet for men and women are very common. Most people gain weight because they are not following proper food plans. Lots of belly fat problems come from dry fruits, fat, and oil and many other things. You see a lot of health and fitness articles where you can achieve fitness goals.

Everyone is worried about how to lose belly fat or what will be the quickest way to lose weight. People follow different plans to overcome this problem.
This is the nutritionist weight loss plan. The best way to lose weight in a week. So this is the solution to your question of how to shed weight fast in a week.

Diet Plan Day 1- Fruit Fiesta

Its 1st-day weight loss plan of your diet
On day one you can eat all kinds of fruits except banana.
Preferred fruits are Apple, Watermelon, and all Citrus Fruits
There are no restrictions on how much fruits you can eat. You can eat whenever you feel hungry.
You can start your day with:
2 Apples and a Pomegranate
Apple, Orange or Pomegranate
At the end of the day, you should have at least consumed the equivalent of:
4 Apples, 4 Oranges, a Watermelon and 2 Pomegranates.
Note: Fruit juice is not allowed on Day 1 of your Lose 10 pounds in a week diet plan.
·         Drink at least 10 Glass of water.
·         Do not eat anything not recommended in Lose 10 pounds in a week diet plan.
Best Weight Loss Drink: Take a glass of mildly warm water and add 2 tablespoons of Honey and 3 Tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix it well and drink it before breakfast once daily for all 7 days.

Diet Plan Day 2:

Its day 2 of our weight loss plan of diet and today you're only allowed to eat vegetables. You can either eat raw vegetables in form of plain salad or you can boil vegetables and add some salt and pepper. Cream, butter, milk, and oil are not allowed.
Drink at least 10 Glass of water daily.
Do not eat anything not recommended in "Lose 10 pounds in a week" diet plan.
·         Start your day with one boiled potato.
·         Best Weight Loss Vegetable Salad Recipe
·         Vegetable Salad Recipe
·         10 Salad leaves
·         1 Cabbage chopped or shredded
·         5 Green Onion tops Chopped
·         3 Peeled Carrots sliced in thin stripes
·         1 Radish (optional)
·         3 tomatoes sliced into rings
·         3 tablespoon lemon juice
·         Salt
·         2 large cucumbers with skin sliced
·         3 Cherry tomato
·         1/2 cup pea
·         1/2 cup corn boiled.

Optional Ingredients:
Celery and Broccoli

Preparation: Mix all vegetables in a bowl add salt and liquid diet for weight loss for lemon juice. Refrigerate for 1 hour and your diet weight loss salad is ready.

Diet Plan Day 3:

It’s Day 3 of our Lose 10 pounds in a week diet plan. I named it a Fruitable day as you can eat both vegetables and fruits on day 3. You can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can but remember the golden rules.

Abstain from using oil, butter, cheese and similar product.

Either use plain vegetable or boiled vegetables.

Weight Loss Fruit Salad Recipe

Cabbage & Fruit Salad


·         3 oranges, peeled and cut into small pieces
·         2 red apples, diced
·         1 cup green grape halves
·         1/4 cup currants 
·         2 apricots chopped seed removed
·         1 tablespoon sugar (optional)
·         1 mango, peeled and cubed
·         ¼ grapefruit
·         3 cups shredded cabbage
·         1 tablespoon lemon juice


Take a large bowl mix everything covers it and refrigerate for 3 hours. You can eat as much as you like and store the rest for later. 
Take a large bowl mix everything covers it and refrigerate for 3 hours. You can eat as much as you like and store the rest for later. Take a large bowl mix everything covers it and refrigerate for 3 hours. You can eat as much as you like and store the rest for later.  

 Lose 10 pounds in a week- Day 3 Add-Ons

·         Continue 15 Min Walk
·         Drink Best Weight Loss Drink
·         Do the following workout for 5 to 10 minutes.

Diet Plan Day 4: 

Day 4 - Banana and Milk Diet for Weight Loss

Day 4 of our "Lose 10 pounds in a week" diet plan can be considered as tough because you'll be eating relatively less amount of food. So let's get to our day 4 menu. Remember that few very important tips are to be followed throughout 7 days. These tips are present under "note" heading.

Day 4 Diet Menu:

8 (In a whole day)
3 Glass
Diet Soup
1 Bowl

Best Low-Calorie Soup Recipe:

Soup Recipe:

·         Water                          23 Ounce
·         Onion                          1 Cut into rings
·         Green Chile                 2
·         Tomatoes                     3
·         Cabbage                      1
·         Lettuce Leaf                2
·         Carrot                          1

Diet Plan Day 5:

Day 5 of 7-day weight loss plan diet is a mixture of fruits, vegetables and a small cup of boiled rice. We are halfway through and our target is not too far away. Some of you may already have lost 5 to 8 pound of excess weight. However, weight loss varies from person to person as human body first utilities the primary energy source and then move to fat reserve. So first 4 to 5 days of any weight loss diet plan do not produce desired results. That's why put your weight machine away for 7 days. 

      One Small Bowl of Boiled Rice
6 Tomatoes
2 Apples
1 Bowl of Salad
1/2 Glass of Skimmed Milk
1 Orange
1 Grapefruit
(Optional) Diet Soup

Drink at least 12 Glass of water in a whole day
Do not eat anything not recommended in "Lose 10 pounds in a week" diet plan.
See Weight Loss Vegetable Salad Recipe on Day 2 Hub.
See Best Low-Calorie Soup Recipe on Day 4 Hub.
Best Diet Fruit Salad Recipe on Day 3 Hub.

Tomatoes are a key part of day 5. Make sure you do not skip 6 tomatoes; you can have tomatoes at one time or separately at different intervals on the same day. You can also add salt and pepper to change the flavor.

All fruits can be used at the same time or separately but only use fresh fruits. Do not buy tin preserved salads from stores. You can change fruits according to availability normally all of above fruits are available throughout the year.

Diet Plan Day 6:

Day 6 - Vegetables and Rice

 It’s another vegetable day but you’re allowed to have a small bowl of boiled rice with vegetable. Again you must not use any type of oil, butter or cheese. Vegetable salad and diet soup recipes are available on Day 2and Day 4 Hubs. You also have to follow the code:
·         Drink at least 10 glass of water in a whole day.
·         Do not eat anything not recommended in this weight loss diet plan. 

     Lose 10 pounds in a week - Day 6 Menu

1 Small Bowl (Boiled)
Salad or Soup
10 Glass of Water

Day 6 Add-Ons:

     Like I said before Green Tea is the best weight loss Tea but if you addicted to coffee then your allowed to have coffee without milk or sugar.

Diet Plan Day 7:

 It’s Day 7 the last day of healthy weight loss diet plan. If you have followed the diet plan from day one then you should not only expect a 10-pound weight loss but also a better and healthier digestive system.
If you also followed the Diet Plan Add-ons then you'll definitely observe more weight loss than promised. If you want to lose more weight then you should continue this diet plan for as long as you can.

 Get a calorie chart and control your calorie intake for weight loss plan. Eat healthily and utilize what you eat, overeating will only cause more problems. When you are eating something try to chew your food more and eat as slow as you can. No need to rush through your food.
 Always buy fresh fruits and vegetables for local mart. Do not stock your fruit and vegetable supply; get a fresh supply after 2 or 3 days.

Rice 1 Small Bowl
Fresh Fruit Juice
Vegetable Salad
Diet Soup
10 Glass of Water

Menu Details

You Can Drink Fresh Fruit Juice
Best Juices For healthy weight Loss:
·         Grape Fruit Juice
·         Orange Juice


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